Among the dermatologist’s primary concerns is skin cancer awareness. NYDG tries to make all patients aware enough of the hazards of skin cancer that they will receive/perform regular skin cancer screenings, both at the dermatologist’s office and at home. With over 5 million cases of skin cancer diagnosed in the United States each year, skin cancer is a serious concern. We recommend scheduling a dermatologist skin cancer screening and using sunscreen daily to safeguard your skin.
Like all cancers, skin cancer is the rapid and uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. This growth results in tumors that are either benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). Skin is the largest organ and must be monitored carefully for lesions that are potentially harmful, sometimes fatally so. The best way to do this is with thorough skin cancer screening by the specialist (particularly for high-risk, fair-skinned individuals).
With skin cancer, abnormal cells are identified in three ways: Basal cell carcinoma; Squamous cell carcinoma; and Melanoma. Basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas are the less serious types and make up 95% of all skin cancers. Melanoma is the most serious and causes 75% of all skin cancer deaths. Left untreated too long, it can quickly spread to other organs and become difficult to contain. With any suspicion of melanoma, seeing a dermatologist immediately is of utmost importance.
Melanoma is the most dangerous form of skin cancer and it is important to regularly examine your own skin for early development. To help you identify these early signs, we’ve created a visual for identifying the ABCDEs of Melanoma.
212 533 8888
119 5th Avenue,
2nd & 4th floors,
New York, NY 10003
New York Dermatology Group – Integral Health & Wellness is a vibrant, sophisticated and exclusive center specializing in world-class aesthetic, fitness and performance enhancement methods that empower our clients and optimize the human experience.
Headed by internationally acclaimed dermatologist and doctor of internal medicine David A Colbert MD, our medical, research and holistic teams have been hand-selected on the basis of their unique knowledge and established expertise.